Câteva idei ce impresionează pentru TEMATICI de Petrecere & Evenimente Corporatiste!

Planning a corporate event that everyone on staff will enjoy is quite a tall order!

The secret to knock-it-out-the-park corporate parties starts with picking the right theme. It needs to be something appropriate for the corporate culture, as well as being inclusive of different personalities, ages, and fitness levels. On top of all that, you'll need to stick to the budget you've been given. If that sounds like an impossible task, fear not! We bring you 22 corporate event themes that are sure to give you just the right idea for yours.

If you're ready to throw the corporate bash of the year, read on for ideas to fuel your corporate event planning genius.

Planning a corporate event that everyone on staff will enjoy is quite a tall order.

The secret to knock-it-out-the-park corporate parties starts with picking the right theme. It needs to be something appropriate for the corporate culture, as well as being inclusive of different personalities, ages, and fitness levels. On top of all that, you'll need to stick to the budget you've been given.
If that sounds like an impossible task, fear not!
We bring you a sample of three corporate event themes that can inspire you and give you just the right idea for yours.
If you're ready to throw the corporate bash of the year, read on for ideas to fuel your corporate event planning genius.

Înapoi în anii '80!

For a corporate party theme that rocks, take a step back in time to the '80s with big hair, shoulder pads, and OTT eyeliner. Go retro with décor inspired by walkmans, Rubik cubes, and giant band posters.

Complete the evening with a live 80s Band who will pack the dance floor with tunes from 80’s bands such as Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Dr Alban, Salt-N-Pepa, Spandau Ballet, or Bon Jovi.

Maybe, there is Living on a Prayer playing in your head now?

To recreate a full-on 80’s rave, all you need to add is lumo.  Deck out guests with glow headbands, bracelets, and necklaces to complete the look. Just like the '80s is an unforgettable era, your back to the 80s event will be unforgettable too!

Just remember the '80s time was notable for its expressiveness and nonconformity!

The DISCO wave brought to Fashion life bright collours, Lurex and bright sequins  to women's wardrobes. 
Also, the fashion of the 80s was influenced by famous singers such as Madonna and Michael Jackson.

Significant in 1980s hairstyle trends include perms, short haircuts, Jheri curls, afros, and big, voluminous hair. 

As for clothing style of '80s it is characterized by bright collours. Here includes jackets, lather pants, Member Only Jackets, mini skirts, tights, Izod and Preppy, polo shirts, overalls, riped jeans and neon clothing. 

There is a lot of  space for imagination to all your employees for  entering into the 80's atmosphere!

Here we, The AMERICAS Band,  can end the night with a Astonishing Show from 80’s with Covers, blended with  a  Song contest and  at the end of the night with Duets between the Americas’ Band musicians and yourCorporate Advocate winner Band.
So let's rock  party !

Just for having a taste of those times, just listen one of our  COVER from Celine Dion in  Alexandra Crăescu's performance:

For your kind remember of those times, here you have a link with Dr. Alban - It´s My Life (Official HD) from the 80’s time:  


Just for having a taste of those times, just listen one of our  COVER from Celine Dion in  Alexandra Crăescu's performance:

Suntem mereu colorați, strălucitori și liberi! 


Ziua ... fără Premii!

Colegii care râd împreună, rămân împreună !

Bine? Totul pentru o noaspte distractivă , în care ne lăsăm părul liber pe spate, în care consolidăm legături și,  evident, în care împărțim generoși  complimente sincere și dezinvolte, în Seara ..."Fără premii!".  Înainte de momentul petrecerii, întocmește o Listă de premii care sunt complet "nebune" sau ironice și distractive... Lăsați colegii să se voteze unul pe celălalt, pentr ca premiile să fie mai personale!  Alegeți lucuri precum:

• Cel mai "probabil aproape sigur" ÎNTÂRZIAT la ședințe.... 
• Cel mai îngrijit spațiu de lucru
• Cel mai dezordonat spațiu de lucru 
• Răspunsul cel mai zgomots de la Birou 
• Cel mai serios consumator de cafea din companie

Rezervați un restaurant cu fripturi, sau un loc elegant cu un Cod de conduită "Cravată neagră", cu un  decor ultra-clasic. Gândiți-vă  chiar la la covor roșu, draperii dramatice și șervețele albe de in. Organizați o cină de gală de înaltă clasă și serviți șampanie, cocktailuri sau vin.

Have certificates made and throw in some fun prizes for a good laugh too. You can hand out a handful of genuine accolades for those who've gone above and beyond in their work, or faced and overcome personal struggles

At the end of the party we play for you funny songs and dedications like There's a fruit store on our street like: "Yes, we Have No Bananas” or “Just a Gigolo” by Louis Prima, or the well-known songs from The Jungle Book toghter with your Corporate team-mates!

At the end of the night just for you The Americas will blend a LIVE Music session with a DJ’s moments on these Funny Party.